Dr. McClenney provides the body of Christ with marching orders for what God is calling and equipping us to do and a playlist of new developments in the struggle.
She retells the Exodus story in order to inspire the body of Christ to
unite and fight to end mass incarceration. As Michelle Alexander, author of The New Jim Crow has stated so well, “We cannot tinker with the criminal justice system.” Dr. McClenney agrees. What we need, Dr. McClenney says, is a massive human rights movement to completely dismantle the prison system as we know it and replace it with a Restorative Justice System.
To maximize a better understanding of the issues, be sure to invite Dr. McClenney to present a session on Mass Incarceration the day before the worship service or event. To find out more, click on the link below. Or, to have Dr. McClenney customize a session tailored to your needs, click on the link below.

Church on Purpose:
Reinventing Discipleship, Community and Justice.
Today, we are in trouble as the Department of Justice finds ways to lock up more people of color. In the 2015 release, Church on Purpose: Reinventing Discipleship, Community and Justice, my chapter “Believers Unchained: Why Christians Must Abolish Prisons or Stop Preaching the Gospel” explains why the current state of jurisprudence is genocidal for people of color. We must be let go.
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click here for a downloadable biography.